Christmas Eve Layout

I don't know how these paper crafters make the layouts,gosh! it took me two days to make this layout for christmas themed challenge which is still running on  

Incase you have any of your scrapbook  layout of christmas which you would like to share in a challenge then log on to the link below.......  

Guys! this is my second attempt in scrappy is fun but requires lot of patience onto the little detailing....i have tried to create a christmas evening...i know i could have added some more elements to it but i totally lost patience at the end.....LOL!!

I know ,i know one side of the Fire place has moved a bit..."MUST BE WIND" as i told you A CHRISTMAS EVE....hahaha.



Thank you so much....!

Linking at That Craft Place

Badge for your blog

Bubye till my next post!



Nima said…
wow..that is interesting Triza