It's Ice cream day

Playing puzzle with  3 year old kid ! its not easy at all ,specially when you are dealing with boy kid..they just make you crazy.!! "My God KIDS".

The whole time he was just repeating Icecream,bus and Elephant puzzle over n over n over again.......and i just could not make him understand that he should try other puzzles too... we almost spent an hour and  then ultimately...I am shouting within "Pleeeeezeeee ...Spare me"!! And immediately i went to sleep,though i didnt sleep actually, was just acting, so that his mind gets divert to something else  ... CARS.

While i was acting out ,the thought about challenges on the blogs where i plan to participate was going on and then the Idea just struck.

 Icecream day is approaching (23rd july) and there is a challenge running on Artsycraftsymom theme is "Icecream".

You can visit their blog and follow instructions to participate...

here is what i made ,Step by Step tutorial and the post is kids friendly.

The puzzle .......Its not coming out again,for sure!! Lot's of laugh....
but tell you frankly its a great puzzle and my son love it!
here is their website just incase you willing to know more about puzzle.
These are my Icecreams made with washi tape, inspired by the puzzle ...Dam! easy for the kids 5 or above.

Buy foam and washi tapes from the craft store.....

1.make design on the foam. Just go copy!
2.Cover the whole Drawing with washi tape ,but do keep in mind which design you want to chose for which area.

3. like i wanted to highlight the stick in icecream so i have used red color for it.
4.once it is done cut it i would prescribe an adult to guide. my other icecream ,i have attached the stick seperately with double tape.

You can put a magnet behind n stick to the almera...or just hung it anywhere....TADA!!

Playing @
Artsy Craftsy

if you like it let me know with your comments...and dont forget to visit other participants,all have done a great job.




Nima said…
wow..that's a brilliant idea for fridge magnet
Life Begins said…
Thats so nice. Lovely ice creams there :)
BTW - where did you get thet puzzel. I really like that. Would like to get one such for my daugter. If you can tell which company or if you have seen it online - any info would be good.
Triza said…
thank you nima...but still i havent given a thought abt it.
Triza said…
thank you so much,