Last year when i shifted to my new home ,i had close friend cum elder sister( subudi) invited over for house warming Party ,just after finishing the food we sat down for long chit chat,inbetween chatting i happen to show my first Car Hanging which i had made for our new car...after giving me beautiful response over my work subudi suggested me to make an embroidered jewelry .
Then I was struck with inspiration...That the bottom of the car hanging would make a really nice design for jhumkas(a bell shape danglers in indian jewelry.) but instead of that i went on to try a simple embroidered earing.
I'm still relatively new to bead embroidery, I've only made a few pieces in the past, so this felt like it was quite ambitious to me. I spend a couple of weeks thinking about it, and one fine evening, I decided to give it a go!
So, on to my first attempt. I decided to keep it pretty free-form, and bead around a small blue threaded paisley shaped work, and add some 4mm beads to it... Well, it's better to embroider on the stiff stuff ,but for my first trial i had used normal cotton fabric for base.I haven't really read any books that is only about bead embroidery, I've only learnt it during my course in designing. I've just worked it pretty free-formed and done whatever came into my mind :)
Finishing off was something that I couldn't get it.So i just left it for the time being and didn't care for the slackness backing,
My friend Nima said, normally people use the felt or ultra-suede for the backing - to secure and hide your threads. The ultra-suede doesn't fray that's why it's one of the best fabrics to use for the backing :)
but after few more trials i kept it on hold..............................................................................!!
recently, I've put a lot of time into my beading again. What I have to share with you tonight is a little experiment.
I must admit, I didn't manage to do it quite in the way I had planned, It turned out that I prefer the way I 'botched'!
The edge needed reinforcing to strengthen up the structure, and then I had few beads to weave in (yawn!).
but the outcome ,after all this effort is satisfying.
They're just a beautiful
Thanks for dropping in.......